
photocatalytic water turbine

In late 2021, the College of Engineering created an Energy Task Force charged with assessing existing energy-related activities at the University of Michigan, suggesting new initiatives to increase engagement, and recommending steps to catalyze strengths at the institution. The paramount and unanimous conclusion of the Task Force was to immediately create an Institute for Energy Solutions to address the needs and opportunities to strengthen our efforts on advancing global energy solutions.

Seen above: Producing hydrogen from water and sunlight




Mathieu, Johanna

(734) 936-3875

Building Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Associate Director

Prof. Michael Craig

Craig, Michael


Climate adaptation of energy systems | Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor of Energy Systems, School for Environment and Sustainability

Program Manager

Kira Edwards

Edwards, Kira

Mechanical Engineering

Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

IES Program Manager

Steering Committee

Todd Allen

Allen, Todd

(734) 647-5845

Energy Sustainability and Policy | Nuclear Energy |

Glenn F. and Gladys H. Knoll Chair and Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Prof. Bala-Chandran

Chandran, Bala, Rohini

(734) 647-9049

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage |

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Mosharaf Chowdhury

Chowdhury, Mosharaf

Computing and Energy

Associate Professor

Prof. Michael Craig

Craig, Michael


Climate adaptation of energy systems | Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor of Energy Systems, School for Environment and Sustainability

Prof. B. Ellis

Ellis, Brian

(734) 763-5470

Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Oil and Gas |

Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Ruiwei Jiang

Jiang, Ruiwei

(734) 764-5723

Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Associate Professor

Prof. Alkontar

Kontar, Al Raed

(734) 647-8722

Computing and Energy | Uncategorized |

Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering


Lenert, Andrej

(734) 647-4107

Building Energy | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering


Lin, (Nina) Xiaoxia

(734) 647-8026

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering

Sarah Mills

Mills, Sarah

(734) 763-0726

Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Senior Research Specialist, Graham Sustainability Institute


Siegel, Jason

(734) 763-2868

Energy Storage

Associate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering

Sita Syal

Syal, Sita

Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Lei Zuo

Zuo, Lei

(734) 660-9328

Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Nuclear Energy | Renewable Energy |
