Fei Gao

Gao, Fei


[email protected]

(734) 615-0697

Energy Materials | Nuclear Energy | Renewable Energy |



Prof. Fei Gao continued his study in UK after graduating from Lanzhou University and received his Ph. D degree in Material Science and Engineering from the University of Liverpool of UK in 1991. Since then, He worked at University of Liverpool and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of USA (PNNL), as senior research scientist and chief scientist, as well as an adjunct professor Washington State University of USA. Since 2014, Dr Gao joined the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences in University of Michigan. Prof. Gao’s current work mainly focuses on ion-solid interaction, irradiation damage, detector materials, nanostructures properties, Li+ ion battery, development and application of multi-scale modeling of materials, nuclear materials and energy materials.


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Prof. Gao's Research Interest and Awards