Prof. Glotzer

Glotzer, Sharon


[email protected]

(734) 615-6296

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Energy Materials | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Anthony C. Lembke Department Chair of Chemical Engineering
John Werner Cahn Distinguished University Professor of Engineering Stuart W. Churchill Collegiate Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering Professor of Physics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts



» Energy Materials
» Grid and Power Systems
» Renewable Energy


The Glotzer group uses computer simulation to discover the fundamental principles of how nanoscale systems of building blocks self-assemble, and to discover how to control the assembly process to engineer new materials. By mimicking biological assembly, they are exploring ways to nano-engineer materials that are self-assembling, self-sensing, and self-regulating. The group is developing theory and molecular simulation tools to understand these materials, and elucidate the nature of supercooled liquids, glasses, and crystallization.

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