Jagger, Pamela
(734) 615-0148
Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |
Pam Jagger is an applied political economist whose research focuses on the dynamics of poverty and environment interactions in low-income countries. She leads the interdisciplinary Forest Use, Energy, and Livelihoods (FUEL) Lab, and is the Director of the National Science Foundation funded Energy Poverty PIRE in Southern Africa (EPPSA), a 5-year collaborative program to support research and training on the topic of energy access in Southern Africa. Over the past decade, Dr. Jagger has conducted quantitative impact evaluation studies of household energy interventions, including clean cooking interventions in Rwanda, Zambia and Malawi. She has also led research on energy access in rapidly urbanizing low-income settings in Myanmar. Contributing new knowledge on the effectiveness of programs and policies for improving energy access for the poor and ultra-poor is a major focus of her work. She regularly engages with the policy makers and practitioners. Dr. Jagger is a Professor in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan with a joint appointment in the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy. She has worked as a policy research scholar with the World Bank, Resources for the Future, the International Food Policy Research Institute, and the Center for International Forestry Research. She has lived and worked in Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe.