
Junghans, Lars


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Building Energy | Climate and Energy |

Associate Professor of Architecture, Taubman College


» Building Energy
» Climate and Energy


Lars Junghans is an Assistant Professor at Taubman College at the University of Michigan. His research work is focused on developing and optimization of high performance buildings with a comprehensive view to all aspects of the building thermal behavior including passive and active strategies. His research work is aimed to find holistic optimal solutions for the challenges of buildings in different climate zones. Current research work is focused on the uncertainty analysis of building optimization algorithm and on fast calculating building optimization algorithm. The interdisciplinary research work includes aspects of economics, decision theory, statistics, design optimization and building physics. Further research work includes building automation technology and its potential in reducing cost and green house gas emissions. Questions of improved occupant comfort, new ventilation strategies and easy to install technology are prioritized in this research. Dr. Junghans graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH with a PhD in building science. The PhD thesis focused on integrated façade technologies and HVAC systems for tropical and subtropical climates. As a post doctoral fellow at the University of California in Berkeley he worked on the development of a dynamic simulation tool designed to provide predictive feedback for architectural office applications through design phases of project development. Dr. Junghans gained extensive practical experience in the engineering firm TeamGMI known for its planning of high profile architectural projects in Europe. His skill in designing and performing building systems computer simulations and holistic building performance assessment was central in working collaborations with numerous Architecture firms of international stature. As a collaborator Baumschlager & Eberle, he was responsible for the comprehensive design of energy concepts in all levels of the building design and construction process. In both firms he was responsible for the energy concept planning of large scale building projects across a range of typologies such as high rise office buildings, educational buildings, hospitals and multi-family complexes. In an intensive collaboration with Prof. Dietmar Eberle, he developed the “Concept 2226” office building, which is accomplished in August 2013. This building is the first office building in a cold climate without conventional mechanical heating, cooling and ventilation system. Junghans began teaching as a lecturer at the University of Liechtenstein in parallel with his career as a professional engineer. Subsequently, in 2010 he started his academic career at the University of Michigan as an Assistant Professor with a special focus on sustainable architecture, building technology and building physics. He is convinced that a good academic teaching in building science is based on practical experience.