Kim, Jong-Jin
Associate Professor of Architecture, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
» Building Energy
Associate Professor Jong-Jin Kim teaches sustainable building technology and at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning. The principal theme of his research is to explore how environmental sustainability and technological innovation shape future architecture. Under this theme, he conducts research on sustainable design, building energy conservation, solar and wind energy production, and zero energy buildings. His current research projects include development of energy producing facades and zero energy single family homes. He has published and given lectures internationally on energy and environmental sustainability. During 2000 and 2003, he served as an honorary editor for the Sustainable Built-Environment section of the Encyclopedia of Life Supporting Systems sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In 2005, he was a recipient of the Brainpool Fellowship sponsored by the Korean Science and Engineering Foundation. He has collaborated with architectural practitioners on various green building projects. He is an editorial board member of the Indoor and Building Environment journal.