
Love, G. Nancy


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(734) 763-9664

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Building Energy | Energy and Water |

Borchardt and Glysson Collegiate Professor, College of Engineering


Dr. Nancy G. Love is the Borchardt and Glysson Collegiate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University Michigan, and an adjunct Professor at the Institute of Biotechnology at Addis Ababa University. In collaboration with her students, Dr. Love works at the interface of water, infrastructure, and both public and environmental health in domestic and global settings. They use physical and computational experiments to assess and advance public and environmental health using chemical, biological and analytical approaches applied to water systems. Specifically, they: evaluate the fate of chemicals, pathogens and contaminants of emerging concern in water with relevance to public health and the environment; use technologies to sense and remove these constituents; and advance technologies that recover useful resources from water.

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Prof. Love’s U-M Research Experts Listing