Was, Gary
(734) 763-4675
Energy Materials | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Nuclear Energy |
Walter J. Weber, Jr. Professor of Sustainable Energy, Environmental and Earth Systems Engineering
Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Gary S. Was is the Walter J. Weber, Jr. Professor of Sustainable Energy, Environmental and Earth Systems Engineering, and holds appointments in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, and Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. Professor Was’s research is focused on materials for advanced nuclear energy systems and radiation materials science, including environmental and radiation effects on materials. He is a Fellow of TMS, MRS, ASM International, NACE International and ANS. Professor Was has published over 270 technical articles in referred, archival journals and delivered over 200 invited talks and seminars, published a graduate-level textbook on Radiation Materials Science and serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Nuclear Materials.
During his tenure at the University of Michigan, Professor Was has graduated 38 Ph.D. students, and created several graduate-level courses dealing primarily with irradiation effects on materials, ion beam modification of materials and nuclear fuels. He served as chair of the Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization and co-authored the first ASEE report on Manpower in the Nuclear Industry. He is the director of three major laboratories at the University of Michigan: the Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory for Surface Modification and Analysis, the High-Temperature Corrosion Laboratory, and the Irradiated Materials Testing Laboratory. Professor Was received his ScD from MIT in 1980.