
Xu, Ming


[email protected]

(734) 763-8644

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Assistant Professor of Sustainable Systems
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (By Courtesy)


Ming Xu is an Associate Professor in the School for Environment and Sustainability where he serves as the Director of China Programs and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan.

Prof. Xu’s research interests lie in the fields of sustainable engineering and industrial ecology. He was awarded the prestigious Robert A. Laudise Medal which is to recognize “outstanding achievement in industrial ecology by a researcher under the age of 36.”

Prof. Xu is a core faculty of the Center for Sustainable Systems and co-directs the Graduate Certificate Program on Industrial Ecology at the University of Michigan. He is the Editor-In-Chief of Resources, Conservation & Recycling (2016 Impact Factor: 3.313).

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Prof. Xu’s U-M Research Experts Listing