Campbell-Arvai, Victoria
Assistant Research Scientist, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
» Climate and Energy
» Energy Sustainability and Policy
Campbell-Arvai’s research uses field and laboratory experiments, and interviews and focus groups to understand the roles of knowledge, values, attitudes, and beliefs as drivers of direct and indirect pro-environmental behaviors. She works on individual and community engagement with environmental issues more broadly. Because positive environmental attitudes do not always lead to pro-environmental behaviors, Campbell-Arvai is additionally interested in the role of information provision and behavioral interventions to motivate and support behaviors that lead to positive environmental outcomes. Her other research interests include the factors that influence the acceptability of behavioral interventions in a broad variety of pro-social and pro-environmental contexts; perceptions of the value of reconstructed and restored habitats; student engagement around environmental sustainability; and information provision and other interventions to improve efficacy, motivation, and perceptions of control related to engagement with and knowledge of environmental issues. The particular contexts that Campbell-Arvai works in include food, water, and energy systems urban biodiversity, and habitat management and conservation.