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Ahmed, Alauddin
(734) 763-8682
Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Research Scientist
Arefifar, S. Ali
Electrical Engineering
(248) 961-8691
Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Aubin, Cameron
Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Fuels and Combustion |
Assistant Professor of Robotics
Avestruz, Al-Thaddeus
(734) 763-3183
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering
Bartlett, Bart
Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |
Professor of Chemistry at the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Energy Institute Associate Director for Science and Technology
Bricker, Jeremy
(734) 647-1843
Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor
Chandran, Bala, Rohini
(734) 647-9049
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Dasgupta, Neil
(734) 764-9655
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Goldsmith, R. Bryan
(734) 764-3627
Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Fuels and Combustion | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |
Dow Corning Assistant Professor
Hall, Brian
University of Michigan Utilities
(734) 764-8027
Building Energy | Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Fuels and Combustion | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
University of Michigan Director of Utilities
Hofmann, Heath
(734) 604-6504
Climate and Energy | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering
Hong, Junho
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computing and Energy | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kamcev, Jovan
(734) 647-1195
Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage |
Assistant Professor
Kieffer, John
(734) 763-2595
Energy Storage
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Kim, Youngki
(313) 583-6411
Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, U-M Dearborn
Kotov, A. Nicholas
(734) 763-8768
Energy Storage
Joseph B. and Florence V. Cejka Professor of Engineering
Professor of Chemical Engineering
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Irving Langmuir Distinguished University Professor of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Kotov, Nicholas A.
(734) 763-8769
Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Nuclear Energy | Transportation Energy |
Krol, Madeleine
Graham Sustainability Institute
(734) 763-0061
Climate and Energy | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |
Clean Energy Land Use Specialist
Kulakowski, Tomasz
Mechanical Engineering
Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |
Visiting Assistant Professor
Kwabi, David
(734) 764-2747
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Laine, Richard
(734) 764-6203
Energy Materials | Energy Storage |
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Lastoskie, Christian
(734) 647-7940
Energy Storage
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Lehnert, Nicolai
(734) 615-3673
Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |
Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Lenert, Andrej
(734) 647-4107
Building Energy | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Li, Yiyang
(734) 764-3371
Energy Materials | Energy Storage |
Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Linic, Suljo
(734) 647-7984
Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |
Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Maldonado, Stephen
(734) 647-4750
Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Fuels and Combustion | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Marquis, Emmanuelle
(734) 764-8717
Energy Storage | Nuclear Energy |
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Director, Michigan Center for Materials Characterization
Mathieu, Johanna
(734) 936-3875
Building Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Matzger, J. Adam
(734) 936-3875
Building Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science and the Arts
Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
McNeil, Anne
(734) 546-1679
Energy Storage
Carol A. Fierke Collegiate Professor of Chemistry, and Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Penner-Hahn, James
(734) 764-7324
Energy Materials | Energy Storage |
George A. Lindsay Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics
Senior Advisor to Dean for International Partnership
Professor of Biophysics
Professor of Chemistry
Poudeu, P. Ferdinand Pierre
(734) 763-8436
Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Sakamoto, Jeff
(734) 763-2219
Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Transportation Energy |
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Sanford, S. Melanie
(734) 615-0451
Energy Storage
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Chemistry
Moses Gomberg Collegiate Professor of Chemistry
Schwank, Johannes
(734) 764-3374
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |
James and Judith Street Professor of Chemical Engineering
Director, Researching Fresh Solutions to the Energy/Water/Food Challenge in Resource-Constrained Environments (REFRESCH)
Shao, Chenhui
Mechanical Engineering
Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Transportation Energy |
Associate Professor
Singh, Nirala
(734) 764-1571
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Stefanopoulou, Anna
(734) 615-8461
Energy Storage | Fuels and Combustion | Transportation Energy |
Director, University of Michigan Energy Institute
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
William Clay Ford Professor of Technology
Stein, Jeff
(734) 936-3336
Energy Storage | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Su, Wencong
Electrical and Computer Engineering
(313) 593-5420
Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Chair and Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Szymczak, Nathaniel
(734) 615-4330
Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Tang, Jing
(734) 936-2775
Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Thornton, Katsuyo
(734) 615-1498
Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Yi, Sha Ya Alex
(313) 583-6318
Building Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Professor and Ph.D. Program Director, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, U-M Dearborn
Zhang, Yang
(734) 647-4338
Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Nuclear Energy |
Zhou, Xuan
Electrical and Computer Engineering
(734) 272-1668
Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy |
Associate Professor