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Edwards, Kira
Mechanical Engineering
Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |
IES Program Manager

Ellis, Brian
(734) 763-5470
Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Oil and Gas |
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

England, W. (Tony) Anthony
(734) 763-4849
Climate and Energy
Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, U-M Dearborn

Finn, Brandon
Climate and Energy | Energy Materials | Energy Sustainability and Policy |
Assistant Research Scientist

Fischer, Paige
(734) 763-3830
Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use |
Assistant Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability

Forrest, Stephen
(734) 764-1185
Renewable Energy
William Gould Dow Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Physics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Gerber, R. Elizabeth
Energy Sustainability and Policy | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Public Policy

Giebink, Chris
Building Energy | Energy Materials | Renewable Energy |
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Giles, Harry
(734) 647-2360
Building Energy
Clinical Professor of Practice in Architecture, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Gilgenbach, M. Ronald
(734) 763-1261
Nuclear Energy
Chihiro Kikuchi Collegiate Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Glotzer, Sharon
(734) 615-6296
Energy Materials | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Anthony C. Lembke Department Chair of Chemical Engineering
John Werner Cahn Distinguished University Professor of Engineering
Stuart W. Churchill Collegiate Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Physics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Goldman, Rachel
(734) 647-6821
Energy Materials | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Goldsmith, R. Bryan
(734) 764-3627
Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Fuels and Combustion | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |
Dow Corning Assistant Professor

Goodson, Theodore
(734) 647-0274
Energy Materials
Richard Berry Bernstein Collegiate Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Gorodetsky, Dana
William Davidson Institute
Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
WDI Energy & Mobility Program Manager

Grengs, Joe
(734) 763-1114
Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Chair of Urban and Regional Planning
Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning

Guo, Jay L.
(734) 647-7718
Renewable Energy
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Professor of Applied Physics

Haider, Rabab
Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Hall, Brian
University of Michigan Utilities
(734) 764-8027
Building Energy | Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Fuels and Combustion | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
University of Michigan Director of Utilities

Hamilton, Richard
University of Michigan Flint Campus Facilities and Operations
(810) 762-0851
Building Energy | Computing and Energy | Energy and Water | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Instrument and Controls Specialist

Hampshire, Robert
(734) 615-6975
Energy Sustainability and Policy | Transportation Energy |
Associate Professor, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, and Research
Associate Professor, U-M Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)

Hart, Sol
(734) 647-9539
Energy Sustainability and Policy
Associate Professor, Communication Studies, Program in the Environment

Hausman, Catherine
(734) 615-6951
Climate and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Sustainability and Policy |
Associate Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Haverkamp, Jennifer
(734) 615-8230
Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy |
Graham Family Director, Graham Sustainability Institute

Hoffman, Andrew
(734) 763-9455
Energy Markets, Business, and Economics
HOLCIM (US), Inc. Professor in Sustainable Enterprise
Professor of Management and Organizations, Ross School of Business
Professor of Natural Resources, School of Natural Resources and Environment
Director, ERB Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise

Hofmann, Heath
(734) 604-6504
Climate and Energy | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Hong, Junho
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computing and Energy | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jack, Joshua
(734) 764-0452
Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Professor

Jagger, Pamela
(734) 615-0148
Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

James, Timothy
(734) 615-7753
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use
Lewis Wehmeyer Chair in Mycology
Associate Professor and Associate Curator of Fungi

Jiang, Ruiwei
(734) 764-5723
Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Associate Professor

Jin, (Judy) Jionghua
(734) 763-0519
Transportation Energy
Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering

Jung, Dohoy Dewey
(313) 436-9137
Fuels and Combustion | Transportation Energy |
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, U-M Dearborn

Junghans, Lars
Building Energy | Climate and Energy |
Associate Professor of Architecture, Taubman College