UM Energy Expertise | Renewable Energy

View Faculty by Last Name


Albert Liu

Liu, Albert


CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Alauddin Ahmed

Ahmed, Alauddin

(734) 763-8682

Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Research Scientist

Prof. Allman

Allman, Andrew


Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Fuels and Combustion | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

S. Ali Arefifar

Arefifar, S. Ali

Electrical Engineering

(248) 961-8691

Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

Kelly Askew

Askew, Kelly

Anthropology and Afroamerican & African Studies

(734) 647-4434

Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Renewable Energy |

Niara Sudarkasa Professor of Anthropology

Prof. Avestruz

Avestruz, Al-Thaddeus

(734) 763-3183

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Prof. Bartlett

Bartlett, Bart

Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Chemistry at the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Energy Institute Associate Director for Science and Technology

Prof. Bernitsas

Bernitsas, Michael

(734) 764-9317

Energy and Water | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |

Mortimer E. Cooley Collegiate Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering


Boehman, Andre

(734) 764-6995

Fuels and Combustion | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Director, W.E. Lay Automotive Laboratory

Jeremy Bricker

Bricker, Jeremy

(734) 647-1843

Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor

Eunshin Byon

Byon, Eunshin

Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor

Jesse Capecelatro

Capecelatro, Jesse

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Computing and Energy | Fuels and Combustion | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering

Professor Xi Chen

Chen, Xi

(313) 593-5254

Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Professor, Engineering and Computer Science

Prof. Michael Craig

Craig, Michael


Climate adaptation of energy systems | Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor of Energy Systems, School for Environment and Sustainability

Prof. Bill Currie

Currie, William

(734) 647-2453

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability

Prof. Dasgupta

Dasgupta, Neil

(734) 764-9655

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Heather Dawson

Dawson, Heather

(810) 766-6674

Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Biology

Vladimir Dvorkin

Dvorkin, Vladimir

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering

Kira Edwards

Edwards, Kira

Mechanical Engineering

Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

IES Program Manager

Prof. Forrest

Forrest, Stephen

(734) 764-1185

Renewable Energy

William Gould Dow Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Physics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Fei Gao

Gao, Fei

(734) 615-0697

Energy Materials | Nuclear Energy | Renewable Energy |


Chris Giebink

Giebink, Chris

Building Energy | Energy Materials | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Prof. Glotzer

Glotzer, Sharon

(734) 615-6296

Energy Materials | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Anthony C. Lembke Department Chair of Chemical Engineering
John Werner Cahn Distinguished University Professor of Engineering
Stuart W. Churchill Collegiate Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Physics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Prof. Goldman

Goldman, Rachel

(734) 647-6821

Energy Materials | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Bryan Goldsmith

Goldsmith, R. Bryan

(734) 764-3627

Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Fuels and Combustion | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |

Dow Corning Assistant Professor

Dana Gorodetsky

Gorodetsky, Dana

William Davidson Institute

Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

WDI Energy & Mobility Program Manager

Prof. Grengs

Grengs, Joe

(734) 763-1114

Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Chair of Urban and Regional Planning
Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning

Prof. Jay Guo

Guo, Jay L.

(734) 647-7718

Renewable Energy

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Professor of Applied Physics

Rabab Haider

Haider, Rabab

Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Brian Hall

Hall, Brian

University of Michigan Utilities

(734) 764-8027

Building Energy | Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Fuels and Combustion | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

University of Michigan Director of Utilities

Richard Hamilton

Hamilton, Richard

University of Michigan Flint Campus Facilities and Operations

(810) 762-0851

Building Energy | Computing and Energy | Energy and Water | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Instrument and Controls Specialist

ian hiskens

Hiskens, Ian

(734) 615-7076

Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Vennema Professor of Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Heath Hofmann

Hofmann, Heath

(734) 604-6504

Climate and Energy | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Junho Hong

Hong, Junho

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Computing and Energy | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Xianglei Huang

Huang, Xianglei

(734) 936-0491

Climate and Energy | Renewable Energy |


Joshua Jack

Jack, Joshua

(734) 764-0452

Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Professor

Pam Jagger

Jagger, Pamela

(734) 615-0148

Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |


Ruiwei Jiang

Jiang, Ruiwei

(734) 764-5723

Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Associate Professor

Catharine June

Kanicki, Jerzy

(734) 936-0964

Energy Materials | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

martin kaufman

Kaufman, M. Martin

(810) 762-3355

Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Professor, Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment


Keoleian, A. Gregory

(734) 764-3194

Building Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Director, Center for Sustainable Systems
Peter M. Wege Professor of Sustainable Systems, School of Natural
Resources and Environment
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Co-coordinator, Engineering Sustainable Systems Program

Jinsang Kim

Kim, Jinsang

(734) 936-4681

Renewable Energy

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Alexandra Klass

Klass, Alexandra

University of Michigan Law School

Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Law | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

James G. Degnan Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School

Brendan Kochunas

Kochunas, Brendan

(734) 763-2922

Nuclear Energy | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Research Scientist, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Madeleine Krol

Krol, Madeleine

Graham Sustainability Institute

(734) 763-0061

Climate and Energy | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Clean Energy Land Use Specialist


Ku, P.C.

(734) 763-8786

Building Energy | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Tomasz Kulakowski

Kulakowski, Tomasz

Mechanical Engineering


Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Visiting Assistant Professor


Lehnert, Nicolai

(734) 615-3673

Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts


Lenert, Andrej

(734) 647-4107

Building Energy | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

Shoshannah Lenski

Lenski, Shoshannah

Center for Sustainable Systems

Climate and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Associate Director, Center for Sustainable Systems

Yongxi Li

Li, Yongxi

Building Energy | Energy Materials | Nuclear Energy | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Research Scientist


Linic, Suljo

(734) 647-7984

Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering


Lynch, Jerome

(734) 615-5290

Building Energy | Renewable Energy |

Professor and Donald Malloure Department Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering


Maldonado, Stephen

(734) 647-4750

Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Fuels and Combustion | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts


Marsh, E. Neil

(734) 763-6096

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts


Mathieu, Johanna

(734) 936-3875

Building Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Matzger, J. Adam

(734) 936-3875

Building Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science and the Arts
Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, College of Engineering


McCrory, Charles

(734) 763-8060

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Materials | Renewable Energy |

Dow Corning Assistant Professor of Macromolecular Science & Engineering


Mi, Zetian

(734) 764-3963

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Materials | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Rob Middleton

Middleton, Rob

Fuels and Combustion | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Research Scientist


Miller, Shelie

(734) 763-8645

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability
Director, Program in the Environment

Sarah Mills

Mills, Sarah

(734) 763-0726

Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Senior Research Specialist, Graham Sustainability Institute

Kartik Praful Naik

Naik, Kartik Praful

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

(912) 548-9545

Energy and Water | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Research Scientist & Lecturer

ivette perfecto

Perfecto, Ivette

(734) 764-8601

Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

George W. Pack Professor of Ecology, Natural Resources and Environment

Pierre Ferdinand P. Poudeu

Poudeu, P. Ferdinand Pierre

(734) 763-8436

Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Daniel Raimi

Raimi, Daniel

(734) 615-9060

Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |

Senior Research Associate, Resources for the Future

Lutgarde Raskin

Raskin, Lutgarde

(734) 647-6920

Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Altar/Erim Russell O'Neal Professor of Environmental Engineering
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Tony Reames

Reames, Tony

(734) 647-3916

Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Oday Salim

Salim, Oday

Michigan Law

(734) 763-7087

Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Law Director of Environmental Law and Sustainability Clinic at Michigan Law Attorney at National Wildlife Federation


Schwank, Johannes

(734) 764-3374

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |

James and Judith Street Professor of Chemical Engineering
Director, Researching Fresh Solutions to the Energy/Water/Food Challenge in Resource-Constrained Environments (REFRESCH)

Peter Seiler

Seiler, Peter

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Renewable Energy

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Shtein, Max

(734) 764-4312

Renewable Energy

Professor of Chemical Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Professor of Art and Design, School of Art and Design
Director of Academic Programs, Center for Entrepreneurship


Simon, C. Adam

(734) 647-4245

Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |

Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences


Singh, Nirala

(734) 764-1571

CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

Wencong Su

Su, Wencong

Electrical and Computer Engineering

(313) 593-5420

Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Chair and Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn

Sita Syal

Syal, Sita

Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering


Szymczak, Nathaniel

(734) 615-4330

Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Jing Tang

Tang, Jing

(734) 936-2775

Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering


Thornton, Katsuyo

(734) 615-1498

Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering


Trumpey, Joe

(734) 763-0111

Building Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Associate Professor, School of Art & Design


Tuteja, Anish

(734) 615-2972

Renewable Energy

Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Assistant Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Chris Vermillion

Vermillion, Chris

(734) 678-1153

Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 

Angela Violi

Violi, Angela

(734) 615-6448

Computing and Energy | Fuels and Combustion | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor of Chemical Engineering
Professor of Applied Physics


Wang, Y. Henry

(734) 763-5659

Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Professor of Chemical Engineering (br>Professor of Biomedical Engineering


Wen, Fei

(734) 764-8723

Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |

Dow Corning Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering


Wooldridge, Margaret

(734) 936-0349

Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Fuels and Combustion | Grid and Power Systems | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Aerospace Engineering


Xu, Ming

(734) 763-8644

Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Assistant Professor of Sustainable Systems
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (By Courtesy)

YaSha Yi

Yi, Sha Ya Alex

(313) 583-6318

Building Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |

Professor and Ph.D. Program Director, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, U-M Dearborn


Zhong, Zhaohui

(734) 647-1953

Renewable Energy

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Lei Zuo

Zuo, Lei

(734) 660-9328

Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Nuclear Energy | Renewable Energy |
