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Adera, Solomon
Mechanical Engineering
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials |
Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering

Adriaens, Peter
(734) 763-8032
Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Sustainability and Policy |
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor of Entrepreneurship, Ross School
Professor of Natural Resources and Environment, SEAS

Adunbi, Omolade
Afroamerican & African Studies
(734) 615-4339
Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Oil and Gas |
Director of the African Studies Center, Professor of Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies, Professor of Law (courtesy), Faculty Associate, Program in the Environment

Agrawal, Arun
(734) 647-5948
Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy |
Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability

Ahmed, Alauddin
(734) 763-8682
Climate and Energy | CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Research Scientist

Allen, Todd
(734) 647-5845
Energy Sustainability and Policy | Nuclear Energy |
Glenn F. and Gladys H. Knoll Chair and Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Allman, Andrew
Energy and Water | Energy Materials | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Fuels and Combustion | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

Arefifar, S. Ali
Electrical Engineering
(248) 961-8691
Building Energy | Climate and Energy | Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Storage | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

Arvai, Joe
(734) 647-3891
Climate and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Sustainability and Policy |
Max McGraw Professor of Sustainable Enterprise

Askew, Kelly
Anthropology and Afroamerican & African Studies
(734) 647-4434
Energy and Water | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Renewable Energy |
Niara Sudarkasa Professor of Anthropology

Aubin, Cameron
Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Fuels and Combustion |
Assistant Professor of Robotics

Avestruz, Al-Thaddeus
(734) 763-3183
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Bartlett, Bart
Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |
Professor of Chemistry at the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Energy Institute Associate Director for Science and Technology

Becker, Udo
(734) 615-6894
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Bernitsas, Michael
(734) 764-9317
Energy and Water | Oil and Gas | Renewable Energy |
Mortimer E. Cooley Collegiate Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering

Bierbaum, Rosina
(734) 763-8675
Energy Sustainability and Policy
Professor, Natural Resources and Environmental Policies

Blum, D. Joel
(734) 615-3242
Climate and Energy
John D. MacArthur Professor
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Gerald J. Keeler Distinguished Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Boehman, Andre
(734) 764-6995
Fuels and Combustion | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Director, W.E. Lay Automotive Laboratory

Bricker, Jeremy
(734) 647-1843
Energy and Water | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor

Capecelatro, Jesse
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Computing and Energy | Fuels and Combustion | Renewable Energy |
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering

Ceccio, Steve
(734) 936-0433
Transportation Energy
Vincent T. and Gloria M. Gorguze Professor of Engineering
Professor, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Professor, Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics
Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering

Cesnik, Carlos
(734) 764-3397
Transportation Energy
Professor of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering

Chandran, Bala, Rohini
(734) 647-9049
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Storage |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Chen, Lei
Computing and Energy | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Nuclear Energy | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Associate Professor

Chen, Xi
(313) 593-5254
Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Professor, Engineering and Computer Science

Clack, Herek
(734) 764-6830
Fuels and Combustion
Research Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering

Cole, Juan
Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy |
Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Craig, Michael
Climate adaptation of energy systems | Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Assistant Professor of Energy Systems, School for Environment and Sustainability

Currie, William
(734) 647-2453
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |
Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability

Dasgupta, Neil
(734) 764-9655
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use | Energy Materials | Energy Storage | Renewable Energy | Transportation Energy |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Dawson, Heather
(810) 766-6674
Climate and Energy | Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |
Professor of Biology

Deb, Aniruddha
(734) 763-7703
Energy Materials
Associate Scientist, Department of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Djokic, Denia
Climate and Energy | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Nuclear Energy |
Assistant Research Scientist

Downar, Thomas
(734) 615-9002
Nuclear Energy
Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, College of Engineering

Dvorkin, Vladimir
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computing and Energy | Energy Markets, Business, and Economics | Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering

Kontar, Al Raed
(734) 647-8722
Computing and Energy | Uncategorized |
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering

Roo De, Roger
(734) 647-8779
Climate and Energy
Assistant Research Scientist and Lecturer, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, College of Engineering
Professors Emeritus and Retired Faculty

Atreya, Arvind
(734) 647-4790
Fuels and Combustion | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering

Hiskens, Ian
(734) 615-7076
Grid and Power Systems | Renewable Energy |
Vennema Professor of Engineering, College of Engineering
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Hunter, Mark
(734) 647-3691
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use
Henry A. Gleason Collegiate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Professor of Natural Resources and Environment, School of Environment and Sustainability

Kaufman, M. Martin
(810) 762-3355
Energy and Water | Energy Sustainability and Policy | Renewable Energy |
Professor, Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment

Kota, Sridhar
(734) 936-0357
Energy Sustainability and Policy | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Herrick Professor of Engineering
Executive Director, MForesight

Kurabayashi, Katsuo
(734) 615-5211
Energy Materials
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Li, Victor
(734) 764-3688
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use
James R. Rice Distinguished University Professor of Engineering
E. Benjamin Wylie Collegiate Professor of Civil Engineering
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering

Martin, William
(734) 764-5534
Nuclear Energy
Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, College of Engineering

Murty, G. Katta
(734) 763-3513
Energy Sustainability and Policy
Professor Emeritus of Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering

Perakis, Anastassios
(734) 764-3723
Transportation Energy
Associate Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Life Fellow, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Rood, Richard
(734) 647-3530
Climate and Energy
Professor, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Dow Sustainability Distinguished Faculty Fellow

Simon, Carl
(734) 647-9194
Director, Science, Technology, and Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Public Policy
Adjunct Professor of Complex Systems
Professor of Economics (Courtesy)

Stein, Jeff
(734) 936-3336
Energy Storage | Transportation Energy |
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Troesch, Armin
(734) 763-6644
Transportation Energy
ABS Professor of Marine and Offshore Design Performance
Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Yang, Ralph
(734) 936-0771
CO2 Capture, Storage and Use
Dwight F. Benton Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering

Zellers, Ted
(734) 936-0766
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health
Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science and the Arts